While it's important to keep up with current events, we risk losing touch with reality if we're too immersed in the digital world. Social media addiction leads to mood changes, social withdrawal, conflict, and relapse, according to a UK study.
As much as you love your favorite pages and feeds, take a social media detox regularly. Five simple hacks:
Social media detoxes are temporary, like juice fasts. Set a start and end date for your detox program. Mark it on a desktop or wall calendar to serve as a visual reminder of your goals.
Delete social media apps during the detox. Think that means you'll miss out on life? You won't because you have other options. Instead of checking Facebook, call a friend. Want news? TV it.
You can set a timer or use your phone's settings to limit your use. Disabling auto-play helps because new content keeps popping up in your feed, causing FOMO and hours to pass.
New habits
Do you use your phone's alarm and calendar? Even without social media apps, you'll be using your phone often. Switch to analogue clocks, organisers, and sticky notes to remind you of tasks.
You must track your progress after setting a goal. This helps you stay on track and gives your plan more structure. Keep a daily journal during your detox. What's hardest? How often do you reconnect apps? If you felt like quitting, what kept you going? Understanding your behavior, usage pattern, and triggers is easier. Apply what you've learned to your next social media detox.